web概述-web1.0 web2.0 web3.0 的区别

Here we would like to talk about the major differences among Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0. To help you better understand, please watch this Youtube video, “Evolution Web 1.0, Web 2.0 to Web 3.0”.

Web 1.0
It is the “readable” phrase of the World Wide Web with flat data. In Web 1.0, there is only limited interaction between sites and web users. Web 1.0 is simply an information portal where users passively receive information without being given the opportunity to post reviews, comments, and feedback.

Web 2.0
It is the “writable” phrase of the World Wide Web with interactive data. Unlike Web 1.0, Web 2.0 facilitates interaction between web users and sites, so it allows users to interact more freely with each other. Web 2.0 encourages participation, collaboration, and information sharing. Examples of Web 2.0 applications are Youtube, Wiki, Flickr, Facebook, and so on.

Web 3.0
It is the “executable” phrase of Word Wide Web with dynamic applications, interactive services, and “machine-to-machine” interaction. Web 3.0 is a semantic web which refers to the future. In Web 3.0, computers can interpret information like humans and intelligently generate and distribute useful content tailored to the needs of users. One example of Web 3.0 is Tivo, a digital video recorder. Its recording program can search the web and read what it finds to you based on your preferences.

在这里我们想谈谈Web 1.0,Web 2.0和Web 3.0的主要区别。为了帮助您更好地理解,请观看此Youtube视频“Evolution Web 1.0,Web 2.0 to Web 3.0”

Web 1.0
它是万维网上带有平面数据的“可读”短语。在Web 1.0中,站点和Web用户之间的交互有限。Web 1.0只是一个信息门户,用户被动地接收信息而没有机会发布评论,评论和反馈。

Web 2.0
它是交互式数据的万维网的“可写”短语。与Web 1.0不同,Web 2.0促进了网络用户和网站之间的交互,因此它允许用户彼此更加自由地交互。Web 2.0鼓励参与,协作和信息共享。Web 2.0应用程序的例子是Youtube,Wiki,Flickr,Facebook等。

Web 3.0
它是动态应用程序,交互式服务和“机器对机器”交互的“万维网”的“可执行”短语。Web 3.0是一个涉及未来的语义网络。在Web 3.0中,计算机可以像人类一样解读信息,并智能地生成和分发适合用户需求的有用内容。Web 3.0的一个例子是Tivo,一种数字视频录像机。它的录制程序可以搜索网络,并根据您的喜好阅读它找到的内容。

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